I did this for my own personal benefit really, that and this insane curiousity that was eating me up! I have no plans or direction for this really, I guess I just need an arena of annonimity....and here it is.
because there was no category called "pissed off female rant"
Published on December 7, 2003 By magicaltreefrog In Personal Relationships
I'm so fuckin' angry! I need to mellow...I need to punch something....I need....I need BIF!! There's nothing better than being pissed off and listening to loud music!!!

Ahhhh, feeling better already! Except for the fact that that f***ing asshole belittled all I am, and all I've done, then proceeded to tell me that I take offense too easily........GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

I'll show you too easily offended, you lazy-pot-smoking-good-for-f***ing-nothing-couldn't-do-your-job-if-it-bit-you-in-the-nutsack-son-of-a-b***h.

And I was so willing to give him a chance to redeem himself, to actually forgive him, give him a chance and make nice, but f**k that! He f***ed up, and I was going to be diplomatic about, give him the benefit of the doubt, but he belittled my life's work, assumed he knew me well enough to actually tell people who I was, lied about it all when confronted and then proceeded to actually destruct me to my lover as if I wasn't there! F**K YOU!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to rage, to beat him with-in an inch of his life, sacrifice him to my pagan gods! give them a tasty treat.


actually I just want to cry....he hurt me....a lot worse than many people have....and he wasn't even that close to me. He has no idea who I am, and it's his loss.....or at least that's what they say, right??

Who the hell are "they" anyway? Why do "they" butt their noses into everything?

Ok, time to stop. It's time to refocus and get back on track.
on Dec 07, 2003
Don't be hurt by this person. Let him criticize, let him lie, let him think what he wants about you. The point is, he's pushed your buttons and you let it happen by responding with such anger. Hey, anger is a good thing! As long as you don't kill somebody. There are any number of folks who see the same jerk you see...don't worry about his sorry hide. His opinion means nothing, really!
on Dec 08, 2003
Hey thanks a lot! Actually I didn't get angry at him, I just let loose here. But thanks for the reassurance and the pep-talk.