I did this for my own personal benefit really, that and this insane curiousity that was eating me up! I have no plans or direction for this really, I guess I just need an arena of annonimity....and here it is.
magicaltreefrog's Articles In Misc
December 8, 2003 by magicaltreefrog
AAARRRRGGG!!<------That's my pirate ego speaking up, and she's (YES she!!!) is EXTREMELY vexed!! Actually I feel more like laughing like a loon, just yelping to the sky, and asking why I have to imitate art?!?! Ok, here's what happened.....I can't believe I'm telling you people this but here it goes....(takes a deep breath).....my kitchen chair just bent itself to the floor underneath me! Yep! that's right, I'm sitting there, minding my own business and then "POOF" I'm on the floor on my b...